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"Your Measurement and Automation Industry Partner"

           NVSI NEWSLETTER                                          OCEANIA REGION EDITION                                         MAY 2004

 What's New in this Edition?

Welcome to the May edition of the NVSI Monthly Newsletter!  We have created this newsletter in the hope to provide our clients, partners and the general measurement and automation industry public with updated information on the products and services from Neo Vista System Integrators Pty Ltd.  We were going to release an April version of the newsletter, but we've been holding the presses, waiting for National Instruments to launch it's newest version of LabVIEW - say hello to LabVIEW 7.1!  Below is a list of what's in this issue:

    NVSI Becomes Oceania's First National Instruments Certified Alliance Partner
    Advanced Programming: Object Orientated Programming with LabVIEW
    NI Launches LabVIEW 7.1!
    Meet one of Our Partners - MPA Electronics
    Meet the Staff: Liam Granger - Senior Technical Specialist
    Spam - Not Just a Delicious Luncheon Meat...

NVSI becomes Oceania's First National Instruments Certified Alliance Partner

National Instruments is beginning to phase out it's alliance program level of "Member", preferring to only accept partners that have at least one staff member that is Certified in the use of their products.

NVSI has four Certified LabVIEW Developers (Liam Granger, Christopher Relf, Laurent Raynal and Graeme Bowyer), which
acknowledges our staff's expertise in working with NI products and technologies.  The measurement and automation industry, and NVSI in particular, recognise the National Instruments Certified Developer credential as a symbol of the skills and knowledge our staff have gained through experience and a true passion for evolving knowledge and solutions for our clients.

You can find more information regarding the NVSI / National Instruments partnership on our website: www.nvsi.com.au or www.nvsi.co.nz

Advanced Programming: Object Orientated Programming with LabVIEW

GOOP® (Graphical Object Orientated Programming) is an advanced technique used by several LabVIEW developers to create modular code for large projects, and systems that would benefit from object orientated design.  Christopher Relf (National Manager - Australia) and Liam Granger (Senior Technical Specialist) were recently ratified by Endevo (the creators of GOOP®) as Certified GOOP® Trainers, and are currently internally reviewing the course material for presentation in Australia and New Zealand.

No knowledge of object orientation (OO) is needed to attend the two day course, although it is designed for competent LabVIEW developers.  The course covers the following topics:
  • Object oriented system development. Iterative and incremental development.
  • OO analysis, design and implementation.
  • Actors and Use-cases.
  • Classes, objects, methods and attributes.
  • Relationships between classes. Association, aggregation and inheritance.
  • UML notation for the concepts covered.
  • Using the GOOP® Wizard (exercise).
  • Using the inspector to debug classes (exercise).
  • How does GOOP® work? We look at the GOOP® repository.
  • OO programming with GOOP® (exercises).

If you're interested in attending a GOOP® course in your area, please contact NVSI by filling in your details here.


NI Launches LabVIEW 7.1!

It's been a while coming, but LabVIEW 7.1 expands the development environment to include smart sensors, Express VIs for Modular Instruments, expanded DAQ Assistant for digital signal analyzers (DSA), PDA DMMs, and (here comes the big one!) NI-DAQmx on Real-Time.  LabVIEW RT has been extensively upgraded, including the creation of an Execution Trace Toolkit (invaluable for RT debugging) and timed loop, as well as real-time support for desktop PCs (that's right: you can turn your standard desktop Dell into an RT target!).  In addition, the 7.1 versions of the LabVIEW FPGA and PDA modules are full of features to make your application development faster than ever before

The next edition of the NVSI Newsletter will include an article on just what the new version means to the Measurement and Automation Industry.

You can find more information regarding the NVSI / National Instruments partnership on our website: www.nvsi.com.au or www.nvsi.co.nz

  Meet One of Our Partners: MPA Electronics

MPA Electronics is our Preferred Electrical Solution Provider

The ever changing standards and laws surrounding the power industry are well covered by our Preferred Electrical Solution Provider - MPA Electronics.  When a large wiring job is required, we tend to concentrate on the software engineering and data acquisition, and trust the experience and commitment of MPA Electronics.

MPA Electronics are also employed directly by ABB, and perform all of their installations in the Sydney area.  MPA Electronics are particularly talented when it comes to motion control hardware (including robotics), and hazardous area work.

  Meet the Staff: Liam Granger - Senior Technical Specialist

Liam graduated from Adelaide University with an Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Honours), where he developed his first LabVIEW application as part of his Honours project. He spent the next few years overseas, working in a variety of engineering and non-engineering roles in the UK while backpacking around Europe and the Americas. Before joining the NVSI team, Liam spent 3 years working on the Jindalee Over the Horizon Radar (JORN) for RLM Systems in Melbourne.

Liam is a Certified LabVIEW Developer, recently sat the LabVIEW Architect exam, and is an Endevo Certified GOOP
® Trainer. He also has significant programming experience in C, C++ and LabWindows/CVI, and specialises in developing custom solutions incorporating SQL databases control and logging.

  Spam - Not just a delicious Luncheon Meat...

The new Australian Spam Act came into effect on 12th April 2004. This act governs the way commercial e-mails, like this one, are sent.  You have received this email for at least one of the following reasons:
  • You have dealt directly with NVSI in the past, including, but not limited to purchasing one or more of our products, engaging us to quote and/or manage a project, and/or visiting us at a tradeshow or other marketing event.
  • You have dealt indirectly with NVSI in the past, including, but not limited to our partners and customers.
  • One of our staff either knows you or knows of you, and thought you might be interested in this newsletter's contents.
  • A colleague or companion has passed this email on to you without our knowledge or consent.

So, the legal speak means that we therefore assume at this time that we have an existing relationship with you.  We know hoe annoying spam can be, and the last thing we want to do is annoy anyone, so if consider our newsletters spam, do not want to receive any further newsletters from us, then please update your profile on our website.  Otherwise we will continue to keep you informed of events or items that may be of interest to you.  As per the current Act requirements (and because it's the right thing to do), any future newsletters we send you will include a means of unsubscribing, so you can opt-out at any time.


In Our Next Issue (June/July 2004)      

  Stick around for our next issue, and read about:

* Advanced Programming: Upgrading to LabVIEW 7.1 - What's in it for me?
* User Solution: National Standards Commission Environmental Chambers
* National Instruments Certified LabVIEW Architects
* Meet One of Our Partners: TBA
* Meet the Staff: Laurent Raynal
...and more!



  Neo Vista System Integrators Pty Ltd is a National Instruments Certified Alliance Partner, providing expert software, hardware and education products in the Measurement and Automation industry.  NVSI's mission is:

"To ensure our Partner's and Client's long-term viability and success, by providing them with timely, appropriate and effective advice, products and services that enhance their technology, increase their efficiency and decrease their product's time-to-market."


You have received this newsletter email as a previous or current client, as someone who has shown interest in the services that NVSI can provide, or someone whom one of our staff member thought might be interested in its content.  To unsubscribe, please update your profile by visiting our website.
Please Pass On the News!  Feel free to pass this newsletter on to any interested colleagues
Not happy with what's in the newsletter?  Like us to cover something in particular in a future issue?  Please send your feedback to the NVSI Newsletter editor through our website

* Prices quoted are valid until the end of the newsletter month as listed on the top of the page, unless withdrawn earlier
* Prices are listed in Australian Dollars (AUD), and are not inclusive of GST
* Systems and their components are subject to availability
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