What's New in this Edition? |
Welcome to the September 2004 edition of the NVSI Monthly Newsletter! We
have created this newsletter in the hope to provide our clients, partners and the
general measurement and automation industry public with updated
information on the products and services from Neo Vista System
Integrators Pty Ltd. Below is a list of what's in this issue:
Advanced Programming: Object Orientated Programming with LabVIEW
NVSI User Solution - CSIRO
He Extraction/Measurement
Meet a Partner - Adept Electronic Solutions
the Staff: Graeme Bowyer - Technical Specialist
Position Vacant: Preferred Electronic Design Partner
Programming: Object Orientated Programming with LabVIEW |
The ink has just dried on the contracts - NVSI has joined Endevo
(Sweden) and VI
Engineering (USA) to become the newest GOOP® (Graphical Object Orientated Programming)
partner company, and is now certified to promote and support GOOP®
and companies using GOOP® in the Oceanic region. GOOP® is an advanced
technique used by several LabVIEW developers to create modular code
for large projects, and systems that would benefit from object
orientated design.
If you'd like to explore how to
assimilate object orientated programming into your LabVIEW
architecture or next project, NVSI is offering limited places in the
upcoming Sydney LabVIEW Systems Design with GOOP® course: a
two day, hands-on, training course for advanced LabVIEW users.
Students will learn object orient programming techniques for
creating powerful code that's easier to de-bug and maintain. The
course provides instruction in GOOP® methodology along with an
evaluation copy of Endevo's GOOP® Inheritance toolkit. Christopher
Relf (National Instruments Certified LabVIEW Architect - Author of "Image Acquisition and Processing with LabVIEW") is the
only certified GOOP® trainer outside of the USA and Sweden.
When: 2nd and 3rd
of November, 2004
Where: National Instruments Office
Sydney, Australia (North Ryde)
No knowledge of object orientation (OO) is needed to attend the two
day course, although it is designed for competent LabVIEW
developers. The course covers the following topics:
- Object oriented system development. Iterative and incremental
- OO analysis, design and implementation.
- Actors and Use-cases.
- Classes, objects, methods and attributes.
- Relationships between classes. Association, aggregation and
- UML notation for the concepts covered.
- Using the GOOP® Wizard (exercise).
- Using the inspector to debug classes (exercise).
- How does GOOP® work? We look at the GOOP® repository.
- OO programming with GOOP® (exercises).
If you're interested in attending the upcoming GOOP® course in Sydney, would like more information, or
are interested in NVSI presenting a course near you, please contact
NVSI User Solution - CSIRO
He Extraction/Measurement |
geochronology is a highly sensitive and cost-effective method of
radiometric age dating that can be used to determine the thermal
history of the Earth's crust.
Helium (4He), in addition to the radiogenic
isotopes of lead (atomic symbol: Pb), is a natural fission product
of the uranium (U) and thorium (Th) decay series. Similar to the
more commonly used U-Pb geochronology system, age relationships can
be determined by measuring the concentrations of both the parent (U
and Th) and daughter (4He) elements in minerals.
was approached by CSIRO to create an
solution, whose task was to tie several hardware technologies
together in order to help develop R&D laboratory experimentation
into a commercially robust prototype.
The result is a professional, industry-focused solution
called the Alphachron™ He
Extraction/Measurement Instrument. Alphachron™ is an
automated, integrated and compact turnkey system, designed for the
extraction and measurement of gases from mineral samples.
Meet a Partner - Adept Electronic
Solutions |
Adept Electronic Solutions (AES) is a specialist in the supply of machine vision components and integration of machine vision and imaging systems. AES has a broad range of world class machine vision hardware and software products, including lighting, optics, cameras, and grabbers. With the proliferation of FireWire technology, vision systems are now within reach of many smaller companies, and are often the perfect choice for large systems. You can find more information regarding AES on our website (select "Partners").
the Staff: Graeme Bowyer - Technical Specialist |
Heavily involved in electrical engineering
research within NVSI, Graeme is the principal researcher on several
of our projects, including the design on ultra harsh data
acquisition and transmission systems, and RF . Graeme is
currently completing his combined degree (BE BBus Electrical
Engineering and Finance), and makes the best cappuccinos, popcorn
and homebrew in the known NVSI universe...
Earlier this year, Graeme joined other members of the NVSI team in becoming
a National Instruments Certified LabVIEW Developer. Earning a National
Instruments certification acknowledges Graeme's expertise in
working with NI products and technologies. The measurement and
automation industry, and NVSI in particular, recognise the National
Instruments Certified Developer credential as a symbol of the skills
and knowledge our staff have gained through experience and a true
passion for evolving knowledge and solutions for our clients.
Position Vacant: Preferred
Electronic Design Partner |
NVSI is currently searching for a
Preferred Electronic Design Provider - if you can provide custom
electronics solutions (analogue and digital design, PCB design, PCB
production and population), and have a highly dedicated team of
professionals using the latest technology to design electronics to
our needs, then we need you. To ensure a cohesive team, NVSI
retains and controls the project management duties, giving our
clients a single point of contact and responsibility, but currently
has an opportunity for a like-minded company to join our
distinguished list of Partners. If you're interested, please contact
Our Next Issue (October 2004) |
Stick around for our next issue, and read about:
* User Solution: National Standards Commission Climate Controlled 50
Tonne Load Cell Testing System
* Meet a Partner: Endevo
* Meet the Staff: TBA
...and more!
Neo Vista System
Integrators Pty Ltd is a National Instruments Certified Alliance
providing expert software, hardware and education products in the
Measurement and Automation industry. NVSI's mission is:
"To ensure our Partner's and Client's
long-term viability and success, by providing them with timely, appropriate and
effective advice, products and services that enhance their technology, increase their efficiency and
decrease their product's time-to-market."
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* Prices quoted are valid until the end
of the newsletter month as listed on the top of the page, unless withdrawn
* Prices are listed in Australian Dollars (AUD), and are not inclusive of
* Prices are subject to change without notice
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