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"Your Measurement and Automation Industry Partner"

           NVSI NEWSLETTER                                          OCEANIA REGION EDITION                                         AUGUST 2005

  What's New in this Edition?

Welcome to the August 2005 edition of the NVSI Monthly Newsletter!  We have created this newsletter in the hope to provide our clients, partners and the general measurement and automation industry public with updated information on the products and services from Neo Vista System Integrators Pty Ltd.  Below is a list of what's in this issue:

    NVSI Helps Australian Scientists to Test Square Kilometre Array Sites
    System Integration Versus Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) Systems
    Visit us at Automate 2005

  NVSI helps Australian Scientists to Test SKA Sites


An international consortium representing more than 15 countries including the European Union, the USA, Australia, Canada, China, India and South Africa has been established to research the viability of a very large telescope array that will enable astronomers to see the formation of the early universe, including the emergence of the first stars.  With 100 times the sensitivity of existing telescopes, the proposed Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will revolutionize many areas of astronomy and also make unique contributions to basic physics, including some extreme predictions of general relativity.

The Australia National Telescope Facility (CSIRO) requested a system to satisfy the international high sensitivity SKA measurement protocol and be suitably robust to run reliably in unattended operation for weeks at a time in some of the most remote areas of Australia.  NVSI created a custom system based primarily on a Rohde and Schwarz frequency spectrum analyser (FSA), and a gigabit Ethernet link to a client notebook PC running Microsoft Windows XP.  Read more...


  System Integration Versus COTS Systems


Sometimes we are contacted by engineers and system managers who are looking for an alternative solution to their measurement problems, and often there are commercially available systems that don't quite fit the problem, or whose costs make the process prohibitive.

It is easy to be attracted by off-the-shelf hardware and software that have a functional fit for your application requirements and promise easy integration.  The challenge is when COTS products are not the perfect fit for your in-house development model, available resources or skills.  The integration process for new players can be both frustrating and expensive, paying for a system that ends up sitting in a corner gathering dust, leaving you out of pocket and still faced with the challenge you were trying to solve before you purchased the products.  Being able to build the system yourself may be an attractive prospect, but this needs to be balanced with an investigation of the risks and challenges involved with system development.  This paper was written with the intent of dispelling some of the preconceptions and misconceptions involved with custom integrated and commercial off-the-shelf systems (COTS).  Read more...

  Visit us at Automate 2005



Automate 2005 (featuring ICEX, CIMworld and FluidX) is on again in Sydney this year, but now at the  centrally located Sydney Showground in Sydney Olympic Park.  Automate is Australia's leading hi-tech manufacturing and process technology exhibition, visited by key decision-makers keen to discover the latest in robotics & automation, process control, computers in manufacturing, test & measurement and hydraulics & pneumatic systems.

NVSI will again be exhibiting this year so if you'd like to see what we're all about or you are after ideas to help you solve your measurement, automation or control problem, please feel free to drop by the stand and have a chat with one of our Technical Specialists.  We will be displaying demos of some of the more tricky automation challenges that we've solved using innovative emerging technologies, including a completely automated spark plug measurement and spark test system demonstrating optical inspection techniques, and distributed control including systems created for the mining, scientific and automotive rolling-stock industries.

NVSI will be joined by several of our Alliance Partners, including National Instruments (Stand C47) and Adept Electronic Solutions (Stand D31), so you can visit the people we rely on to produce our award-winning engineering solutions.

If there's anything specific you'd like us to bring to Automate 2005 with us or a particular topic you like us to explore before we see you there, please feel free to contact us.


In Our Next Issue (September 2006)      

  Stick around for our next issue, and read about:

* Meet the Staff: Matthew Rees - Technical Specialist
* Meet a Partner: Electronics Associates
* NVSI Case Study: Automated Laser Pipe Measurement
NVSI: Case Study: Rail Industry Wheelset Qualifying Machine
...and more!



  Neo Vista System Integrators Pty Ltd is a National Instruments Certified Alliance Partner, providing expert software, hardware and education products in the Measurement and Automation industry.  NVSI's mission is:

"To ensure our Partner's and Client's long-term viability and success, by providing them with timely, appropriate and effective advice, products and services that enhance their technology, increase their efficiency and decrease their product's time-to-market."


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* Prices are listed in Australian Dollars (AUD), and are not inclusive of GST
* Prices are subject to change without notice
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