It's the beginning of the year, and now we've (almost) worked off
all that Christmas pudding, it's time to get skilled and plough into
the year head-on. NVSI will be offering a number of training
opportunities in 2005 in collaboration with our industry partners,
including the following:

Programming: Object Orientated Programming with LabVIEW
If you'd like to explore how to
assimilate object orientated programming into your LabVIEW
architecture or next project, NVSI is offering limited places in the
upcoming Sydney LabVIEW Systems Design with GOOP® course: a
two day, hands-on, training course for advanced LabVIEW users.
Students will learn object orientated programming techniques for
creating powerful code that's easier to debug and maintain. The
course provides instruction in GOOP® methodology along with an
evaluation copy of Endevo's GOOP® Inheritance toolkit

Advanced Application Development
The LabVIEW Advanced Application
Development course prepares you to create large, high-quality
applications that incorporate advanced design features. In this
course, you will learn how to create applications that maximize code
reuse, apply standard coding conventions, and design your
applications for maximum performance. Included in this course
are methods of encapsulation, object-oriented programming concepts,
and state-machine architecture. With the format of this course, you
can immediately apply programming concepts with its hands-on
approach to learning.
For more information regarding these
unique training opportunities, please contact