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"Your Measurement and Automation Industry Partner"

           NVSI NEWSLETTER                                          OCEANIA REGION EDITION                                         OCTOBER 2005

  What's New in this Edition?

Welcome to the October 2005 edition of the NVSI Monthly Newsletter!  We have created this newsletter in the hope to provide our clients, partners and the general measurement and automation industry public with updated information on the products and services from Neo Vista System Integrators Pty Ltd.  Below is a list of what's in this issue:

    Meet the Staff: Matthew Rees - Technical Specialist
    Meet a Partner: Decode Electrical Automation
    National Instruments LabVIEW 8 Released!

  Meet the Staff: Matthew Rees - Technical Specialist


Graduating from the University of Technology, Sydney with a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering, Matthew has extensive experience in custom machinery, NATA standard calibration services, electronic system design and prototyping, as well as a background in software automation for the biomedical industry.  

Matthew is also a talented industrial designer, with a strong customer focus, and is focussed on exploiting cutting edge technologies for our clients.  Matthew's dexterity and engineering precision is reflected in his grace, style and pin-point accuracy on the ballroom dance floor...


  Meet a Partner - Decode Automation


Decode Automation is a provider of custom and standard commercial and industrial automation systems in almost any industry. Whilst there are a lot of standard type applications out there in the market place, many suppliers won't touch the small to medium or `odd ball' type jobs. That's where Decode Automation can help. Little jobs with complex or unusual processes are normally too much trouble for many suppliers, especially considering the time that will be spent in liaison and the small return the supplier is anticipating. But Decode Automation being a small automation supplier loves a challenge!

Here are some of the services that Decode provide:

  • Custom design of control processes.

  • Wiring of standard or custom requirement control panels. Design programming of Programmable logic controllers.

  • In house design and third party production of printed circuit boards.

  • Microcontroller/microchip programming.

  • On site installation of associated control systems or third party components.

  • Sourcing and supply of all sorts of components.

  • Machine safety guarding of category B.1, 2,3 and 4+

  • Fully licensed for 240 and 415VAC work. (Contractors Lic. 9693C)

  • 24 hour breakdown service of associated control systems. 

  • Fabrication of machines and mechanical parts


  National Instruments LabVIEW 8 Released!


Distributed Intelligence - a powerful suite of new capabilities for engineers and scientists to easily design, distribute and synchronize intelligent devices and systems from a broad range of platforms

LabVIEW Project - a new project-based environment for developing and managing large-scale applications 

New Express Technology – advancements for simplified instrument control, data acquisition, analysis and much more.




In Our Next Issue (November 2006)      

  Stick around for our next issue, and read about:

* Meet a Partner: JLE Automation (NZ)
* NVSI Case Study: Automated Laser Pipe Measurement
NVSI Case Study: Rail Industry Wheelset Qualifying Machine



  Neo Vista System Integrators Pty Ltd is a National Instruments Certified Alliance Partner, providing expert software, hardware and education products in the Measurement and Automation industry.  NVSI's mission is:

"To ensure our Partner's and Client's long-term viability and success, by providing them with timely, appropriate and effective advice, products and services that enhance their technology, increase their efficiency and decrease their product's time-to-market."


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* Not happy with what's in the newsletter?  Like us to cover something in particular in a future issue?  Please send your feedback to the NVSI Newsletter editor through our website
* Prices quoted are valid until the end of the newsletter month as listed on the top of the page, unless withdrawn earlier
* Prices are listed in Australian Dollars (AUD), and are not inclusive of GST
* Prices are subject to change without notice
* Systems and their components are subject to availability
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