NVSI's products have been specially designed for traceable measurement, ultra-precise control and extended
flexibility and configurability.
Our years of experience developing systems that push current hardware performance to the limit means that you
can save considerable time with your project by building your solution based on our proven software acrhitectures
and add-on toolkits.
Finally, using our solutions you'll gain from the hours of in-system testing performed on our
proprietary software libraries, algorithms, and modules.
NeoAdvantage Software Architecture
You too can use the proven architecture that we use. NeoAdvantage is a software architecure that
allows you to use a proven test and measurement software framework to develop measurement control systems.
Our unique system offers database integration for logging, an advanced and highly flexible closed loop process
controller, configurable test automation and monitoring, and comprehensive data export and import capabilities.
Neo3Dscan "ready-to-go real-time laser vision!"
When camera 3D imaging systems can't do the job, Neo3Dscan can be the perfect plugable solution for
profiling. With its eye safe laser 3D scanner, the ruggedised laser is capable of amazing resolution
under the most demanding conditions. Call us now for a demonstration or on-site trial.
Process Alignment Toolkit
NVSI have developed an advanced vision alignment system that easily interfaces with PLCs and other
controllers and works with a wide range of subject materials. The system allows manufacturers to minimise
waste from offcuts by optimising processes with resolutions ranging from mm down to microns.
Custom Measurement Systems
NVSI can tailor a measurement and automation solution to meet your highest performance requirements
and most demanding time schedules. Call us now and see what we can do for you!
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